Don’t use the massager casually.

Reprinted from People’s Daily and Yangcheng Evening News.

Interviewed Expert/Associate Chief Physician, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Lin Jinglin

Many elderly individuals experience discomfort in the neck, back, and waist due to accumulated fatigue, prompting their children to express filial piety by often choosing to purchase electric massage devices for them. Lin Jinglin, Associate Chief Physician in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, cautions that not everyone is suitable for using electric massage devices. Particularly, elderly individuals with severe osteoporosis are not advised to use massage devices. Additionally, massage devices cannot replace exercise.

Six Situations Where Using a Massage Device is Not Recommended

Lin Jinglin explains that since massage devices use high-frequency mechanical vibration or rolling to stimulate the body, they are not suitable for everyone. The following six situations are not recommended for using massage devices:

  1. When a specific joint or tendon area of the body is inflamed due to external injury, causing local redness, swelling, and pain. Indiscriminate massage in this situation can exacerbate inflammation, and in severe cases, lead to periostitis.
  2. Individuals with spinal diseases who use massage devices on their own are at a high risk of causing inflammation in soft tissues or misalignment of spinal small joints, complicating initially less severe conditions.
  3. Those experiencing arm muscle soreness due to misalignment of cervical vertebrae joints or protrusion of cervical intervertebral discs should avoid using massage devices, as it not only fails to alleviate pain but may worsen the condition.
  4. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or blood diseases with a tendency to bleed should not use massage devices. The vibrational stimulation during massage can significantly accelerate blood flow, leading to potential accidents.
  5. Patients with bone diseases such as bone and joint tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, senile osteoporosis, trauma, or fractures are not suitable for massage device treatment.
  6. People with a lean physique, as the thin subcutaneous fat layer makes it easy to stimulate the periosteum and cause damage and aseptic inflammation when using a massage device directly on joint areas.

Gradual Progression in Massage Device Usage

For elderly individuals who can use massage devices, Lin Jinglin advises a gradual progression in usage. When using a massage device for the first time, it is best to try it for 10 minutes. If there is no discomfort, gradually extend the massage time, with each session ideally lasting 20 minutes. It is not advisable to use a massage device on an empty stomach, after a full meal, while intoxicated, or after intense exercise.

In addition, when choosing a massage device, it is important to select products from reputable manufacturers and consider individual differences. Middle-aged and elderly individuals can use electric motor massage devices with a fast vibration frequency and weak vibration intensity. Electromagnetic massage devices, due to their slow vibration frequency and high vibration intensity, are more suitable for post-exercise massage and use by young and middle-aged individuals.

Massage is Not Equivalent to Physical Exercise

Some elderly individuals entertain the lazy idea that using an electric massage device can achieve the effects of full-body exercise, eliminating the need for outdoor workouts. However, Lin Jinglin explains that while massage can moderately relieve fatigue in the lower back, neck, shoulders, and chest, many elderly people experience symptoms such as back pain and overall weakness mainly due to insufficient exercise and poor posture. Therefore, genuine health maintenance still lies in engaging in various physical activities or sports within one’s capabilities.


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